
your coach

I am here to be your guiding light and help you navigate the ins and outs of every aspect of the industry—from raising money to applying for licenses to setting up the systems you need to actually get up and running. Even if you just need moral support or help thinking through a problem, I can guide you to a solution and help you develop an actionable plan.

This industry can be frustrating and feel defeating when you are taking on the big guy.

Heard you're a player, nice to meet you, I am a coach.

let's start your cannabis journey

By helping guide you through capitalization options, by attracting talent or just providing the honest, expert counsel you need to thrive. Request an appointment, and we’ll work together to see if I can help spark your journey. 

I am committed to working with the most promising, motivated entrepreneurs in cannabis...


Salwa helped me hone in on the bigger picture and gave my career a new sense of direction. I highly recommend her consultation services for anyone feeling stuck, stagnant, or in need of a refresher. She has a divine talent for outlining an actionable plan and encouraging you to take the reigns. She reignited a passion in me that I haven't seen for a long time.

Sarah ElSayed 

Client success stories 

high words we love

Cannabis pioneer, podcaster, entrepreneur, teacher, student and all-around lover of the plant.

I’m Salwa Ibrahim